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22, 2009, in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles. Mo'Nique won best supporting actress for her role as a depraved mother from hell in &quo Precious.&quo Matt Sayles/AP Show More Show Less 11 of189 Sean Penn, winner of the best actor Oscar for 'Milk,' is joined by Kate Winslet, left, best actress for 'The Reader,' and best supporting actress Penelope Cruz for 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona,' during the 81st Academy Awards Sunday, Feb.

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(AP Photo/Matt Sayles) ** EMBARGOED AT THE REQUEST OF THE ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS & SCIENCES FOR USE UPON CONCLUSION OF THE ACADEMY AWARDS TELECAST **įrom left: hosts Steve Martin (left) and Alec Baldwin best supporting actress Mo'Nique and best actress Sandra Bullock. 9 of189 10 of189 Mo'Nique poses backstage with the Oscar for best performance by an actress in a supporting role for “Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire” at the 82nd Academy Awards Sunday, March 7, 2010, in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles.

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